Thursday 5 April 2012

Evaluation 7. Progression

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the product?

Since finishing my thriller opening, I have noticed that I have progressed in many ways. Below I will compare both my preliminary task to my finished thriller piece.
You can see the image on the left, which has been screen grabbed from our preliminary task. During the first stages of the course we were new to the industry and so did not know what shots looked best in order to gain the best quality videos.

However now you can see the image on the right. This is an image from out final thriller opening, you can see that I have expanded with the knowledge learnt in class, in how to film using different techniques.Using the same strategy as of getting someone to walk in the scene, you can see that my thriller opening has a better quality to it such as making the scene look more suspicious. This is due to the fact that it has been filmed in a certain way to create this effect. The effect used to create this image, was a long shot this way we could get both the innocent girl and mysterious man in the same frame.

I have learnt a lot throughout the progression of this course, it has helped me to gain experience on how to film steadily, as well as edit clips to make them look more professional. Not only that it has taught me to work with others, being able to create a piece of media with people who i wouldn't have possible worked with if it wasn't for the course.
In the period of the last three months I have additionally leant about the media in the context of society. Being able to reach out to the audience and communicating with ranges of people to find out their opinions on what type of films they are interested in.

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