Monday 2 April 2012

Evaluation 3. Distubution

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There are a large sum of distribution companies worldwide, these companies are there to help the film get on it's way to cinema's and to let everyone know about the film e.g when it is released. It would be more suitable for my thriller to be shown national wide as it is a British film, so would most probably appeal to the UK. Therefore for this reason Film Four would be appropriate as they distribute small British films.
There are many other distribution companies that I would love to be working with, for example a big company set in america called Warner Bros. However it is very unlikely this would happen as they work with professional directors whom can produce excellent quality movies, to catch the eyes of the audience. As a result of being new comers to the industry we will not have a high chance of being distributed by them as well as other larger american distribution companies. If we had famous or well known actors in our film there would be more of a chance that a large company would distribute my thriller. Or we could even have well known music
However we could have a possible chance of working with smaller distribution companies, as not all cinema's would want to show our thriller. The thriller is more suitable to be shown locally, or even nationally and so the company Film Four would be ideal for this.

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